New settings and features
Feb 18th, 2025
Automatically have your preferred category assigned when creating new events or ToDos in the Android app.
Plus: 149 Live Calendar for iOS now supports importing events stored in .ICS files directly from the app!
Jan 12th, 2025
We added 15 more category icons to our Android and iOS app! To get started with categories, create or edit an event and tap on the
category button. Then, edit or create a category and select your favorite icon.
And: All holiday calendars have been updated with 2026 dates.
Print calendar
Dec 6th, 2024
New in 149 Live Calendar for Android: Select a flexible date range for printing event lists and better control content
to be printed - events, birthdays, ToDos or any combination thereof.
As before, the print feature also allows to create PDF versions of your calendar.
Month view
Nov 17th, 2024
New in Pro Version for Android and iOS: Decide if days out of scope of the current month are shown in month view.
Interactive iOS widgets
Oct 29th, 2024
All your events, on your home screen: On devices running iOS 17 and above, our month view widget now supports navigating to next and previous months.
Also new in 149 Live Calendar for iOS: Map and local weather forecast for each event are also shown for events synchronized from iOS accounts.
More options for recurring events
Oct 21st, 2024
In addition to the existing options, recurring events can now also be defined on the last day of the month,
or up to 7 days before end of month!
Plus: Editing or deleting an event series can be scoped to
the current and all future events only.
Improved iCal support
Oct 2nd, 2024
When attendees receive an invitation to a 149 Live Calendar event via e-mail, they can now respond via the standard Accept, Tentative, Decline controls of their e-mail client. As before, 149 Live Calendar users conveniently receive and can reply to invitations directly in the app.
Events received via e-mail as .ICS attachments can now be imported into our Android app more easily - just tap on the attachment and select 149 Live Calendar to open it.
iOS Watch App Widget
Sep 6th, 2024
Always up to date: Add 149 Live Calendar to the smart stack of your Apple Watch!
To get started, turn the digital crown when the watch face is showing until you see widgets. Then touch and hold the smart stack to add the new widget.
Plus: For iOS widgets, you can now change the widget background color as part of our Pro Version.
Android Backup & Restore
Aug 24th, 2024
Many users asked us to add a feature for backing up 149 Live calendars and ToDo lists to a local file, so here it is!
Head to Settings from the app menu and tap on the button next to Backup and Restore to get started.
Attachment support for iOS
Jul 23rd, 2024
Add up to three attachments to each of your events, birthdays, or ToDos stored in 149 Live calendars or ToDo lists!
Each attachment can be up to 10MB in size. In case you are using multiple devices or shared calendars or ToDo lists, attachments are synchronized together with events or ToDos.
iOS Fonts
May 10th, 2024
New in iOS Pro Version: Add a personal touch to your calendar by selecting your favorite font for all 149 Live Calendar views!
Text proposals
Apr 28th, 2024
New in Android Pro Version: Manage proposals for title and location shown when editing events or ToDos to just include the ones most important to you!
149 Live Calendar for Apple Watch
Apr 2nd, 2024
All events, birthdays, and ToDos on your Apple Watch - with 149 Live Calendar now available on all Apple Watches running watchOS 10 or later!
Plus: With the newest version of our iOS app, default reminders can now also be configured for new all-day events.
Android map view
Feb 29th, 2024
All your events of a day, week, or month on a single map - try our new map view in 149 Live Calendar for Android!
Android participants view
Jan 26th, 2024
It is now easier to manage participants of shared calendars or to invite them to additional calendars & ToDo lists. In case you have already shared a calendar or ToDo list or accepted an invitation, you can find all users you are connected to by selecting "Participants" from the menu.
The new participants view lets you add new users, manage access and colors for each calendar or ToDo list shared, and invite persons you already share a calendar or ToDo list with to additional ones directly via 149 Live Calendar!
More iOS personalization options
Jan 24th, 2024
Pro Version got two new features: Setting font sizes is now also supported for event list view, ToDo list view and the list of birthdays and anniversaries.
Plus: Calendar view background color can be applied in dark mode, too. And in case you do not have it yet: Head to More / Pro Version and activate 30+ features and settings to build your own personal calendar!
Android shared calendars
Nov 21st, 2023
When using a shared calendar or ToDo list, you can now set a default color for each participant's events or ToDos to easily recognize entries created by this user. To get started, select "Calendars & ToDo lists" from the menu and tap on the name of the shared calendar or ToDo list. Then, tap on the participant and choose a color.
In case you haven't tried it yet: You can easily share calendars, birthday calendars or ToDo lists with family, friends, team members or co-workers by selecting "Add participants" from the menu. Then, choose the calendar to share and invite participants. Once invitations are accepted, entries are synchronized between all participants and devices, including update notifications and change history!
iOS Month view widget
Aug 25th, 2023
New in 149 Live Calendar for iOS: All events of the current month at a glance, on your iPhone or iPad home screen: Long press on a free spot of your home screen, then tap "+" and search for 149 Live Calendar Widgets to install our new month view widget!
Invite attendees from our iOS app
Jul 28th, 2023
Invite attendees to events stored in 149 Live calendars or in Google or Microsoft calendars connected
via a 149 Live Calendar account with the newest version of our iOS app!
This also includes
automatic updates and notifications for new invitations and RSVPs.
Birthday list widget
May 12th, 2023
New in 149 Live Calendar 3.7 for Android: Our home screen widget family continues to grow with the new Birthday
list widget! This widget shows all your upcoming birthdays and anniversaries, and allows adding new
With this new version, we also modernized style and design for several elements such as input fields or
on/off switches, we hope you like it!
Calendar view colors
Jan 28th, 2023
149 Live Calendar 1.6 for iOS is now available, with a few more Pro Version features: Set your favorite calendar background for month, week, day and list view, and show or hide unplanned ToDos in calendar views!
Connect iOS reminders
Dec 2nd, 2022
All your ToDos and reminders in a single place - just select ToDos from the bottom navigation and then tap
the Lists button on the top right to connect iOS reminders to 149 Live Calendar!
Plus: Navigate through your ToDos more quickly via list or due date sort order. When sorting by list,
collapse or expand ToDos of each list by tapping on the list header.
iOS Lock Screen widget
Oct 23rd, 2022
Always know what is coming up next: When running iOS 16 on iPhone, 149 Live Calendar now includes a Lock Screen
widget! To give it a try, touch and hold the Lock Screen until the Customize button appears, then tap the button
and add the new widget.
Also new: Dimming past events is available in iOS month and week view and makes them easier to read, especially
when many events are scheduled. And default reminder settings used when creating new events and birthdays can
now be customized.
List view design update
Oct 14th, 2022
New in our Android app: The event, birthday and ToDo list views got a design update. We also extended the event sharing feature and added more options to customize your calendar, so make sure to give it a try!
Just a better ToDo list view
Aug 21st, 2022
Our Android ToDo list view now lets you quickly add new ToDos: Just enter what needs to be done in the text
field on top of the view and tap the "+" button.
And: Sort ToDos by list and date, and collapse or expand ToDos of a list by tapping on the list header.
Import iPhone / iPad contacts
Jul 24th, 2022
New in 149 Live Calendar for iOS and macOS: Import birthdays and anniversaries stored in contacts available on your device and set reminders for these events!
New Android ToDo list widget
Jun 9th, 2022
Our Android home screen widget family continues to grow with the new ToDo list widget, showing all your
upcoming ToDos. Also supported: Setting ToDos as done and adding new entries.
In addition, notifications for new or updated entries in shared calendars or ToDo lists are now more
helpful and include a detail link allowing to directly open the entry created or modified.
149 Live Calendar 1.2 for iOS and macOS
May 15th, 2022
149 Live Calendar 1.2 is out, supporting iPhones, iPads and now also macOS devices with Apple silicon.
On the feature side, you can now add subtasks to a ToDo - great for entries including multiple items like a shopping
list or checklist, or for more complex tasks where multiple subtasks need to be completed.
Plus: Use the share icon of event detail view to quickly share a single event, birthday or ToDo, and more settings
available in our Pro Version!
Now in Beta: 149 Live Calendar for Web browsers
Apr 30th, 2022
149 Live Calendar is coming to your Web browser - complementing our Android and iOS apps with a new product version
suitable to be used on PCs and other devices where our apps cannot be run.
Login from our home page to give it a try -
we will continuously extend the range of features supported in the coming months!
New iOS Today view and more settings
Dec 22nd, 2021
More information for planning your day and your events: Our up-to-date weather forecast is now available in Today view.
Plus: Define what modules are included in home view, use the current location as event location when creating new events,
or set your favorite calendar view as default view.
Android Pro Version
Nov 2nd, 2021
Dimming past events is now available in month and week view and
makes the views easier to read, especially when many events are scheduled.
And: All calendar views now support setting a background color.
Linking Android contacts
Jul 31st, 2021
To quickly open an address book contact from any event or ToDo, include the
first name or full name of the contact in the title or location field, such as
"Call Susan".
When opening the event or ToDo detail view, names of contacts will be shown underlined.
Then tap on the link to open the contact in your address book. As already before, event title
and location also support linking of Websites or phone numbers.
iOS Weather information
Jul 16th, 2021
Planning a visit to a different city or country? Event detail view for iOS now contains a local weather forecast for your event location, no matter how many different destinations your calendar may contain.
For events in Germany, weather information is also available for events up to five years in the past based on historical data from Deutscher Wetterdienst.
iOS Calendar history
May 24th, 2021
New in 149 Live Calendar for iOS: Always know who did complete a ToDo or added a new event: Our history feature shows the details of all changes to your shared events, ToDos, calendars and ToDo lists.
Plus in Pro Version: Set your favorite font sizes for month view, week view, and schedule view!
Android design update
May 4th, 2021
All our calendar views received a design update - we hope you like it! We also unified navigation: In each calendar view, you can move to today's date by tapping on the "Today" header. Tapping on the title of month, week, day and list view lets you select a date to go to.
Also new: The number of days displayed in day view can now be set individually for portrait and landscape mode. Head to our layout & content settings to set your favorite configuration!
iOS Widgets and more
Mar 18th, 2021
Stay always up to date with our new version of 149 Live Calendar for iOS: Our Home Screen Widget shows your next upcoming events and today's all-day events / ToDos!
New in our Android app: The calendar detail view now shows all calendar information and actions in a single screen, including entry count, synchronization status, list of participants and more.
Here, it is also possible to change whether or not a participant can edit entries in a shared calendar, or to completely revoke access to a calendar or ToDo list.
149 Live Calendar for iPad
Jan 31st, 2021
149 Live Calendar for iPad is now available for download on the App Store !
Our family of calendar views for iOS has also grown: We now support month view, week view, event list, schedule, today's summary, and dedicated views for ToDos and birthdays - all with many customization options and features.
Online Meetings
Jan 2nd, 2021
New for all Google calendars connected via your 149 Live Calendar account: Join video and audio conferences of events with one click, and view Google Drive attachments.
Plus: 15 new icons are now available for your event and ToDo categories: Music, walking, handyman, and many more.
149 Live Calendar for iPhone
Dec 18th, 2020
149 Live Calendar for iPhone is now available for download on the App Store !
Easily synchronize events, birthdays and ToDos between your iOS and Android devices, or setup shared calendars and ToDo lists with iOS and Android users.
Google Tasks integration
May 25th, 2020
It is now possible to synchronize your Google Tasks with 149 Live Calendar. Google Tasks will appear in the ToDo list view as well as our other calendar views, and can be edited or marked as completed. Of course, you can also create new Google Tasks directly from our app.
Google Tasks are synchronized via your 149 Live Calendar account. In case you do not have one yet, you can create your free account via the main menu. Then, select "My account" from the menu, tap on the Google module, and connect your account.
Your personal calendar
April 5th, 2020
We have added many more customization options to 149 Live Calendar - including more reminder settings, launch view options, bottom navigation settings, snooze times, ... Head to the "Settings" menu of the app to discover these new features.
Also new: On all devices running Android 7+, 149 Live Calendar event reminders are now displayed as group notifications, meaning you can easily access all due event reminders from the Android status bar.
Dark Mode
September 23rd, 2019
The Pro Version of our latest release now includes the new Dark Mode preview. It provides a dark background version of most views of 149 Live Calendar, and we are launching this preview today to get your feedback before our final version arrives in the coming weeks.
June 8th, 2019
Our new "Insights" feature is available! Calendar insights let you better understand what is actually taking most of your time by analyzing the number of events or time planned for events in a given time frame!
Results can easily be grouped by calendar or category and are automatically compared with the previous time frame.
April 19th, 2019
Add up to three attachments to each of your events, birthdays, or ToDos as part of our new Pro Version! This feature is now supported for entries stored in 149 Live calendars, support for events in Google and Microsoft calendars will follow soon.
Our Pro Version also includes all features of the previously available Design Options. And: Users who already purchased our Design Options using an earlier version of 149 Live Calendar will be upgraded to the new Pro Version automatically.
New Detail Views
December 3rd, 2018
Our new event detail view shows all information and relevant actions for each event in a single view. It also makes it easier to dial phone numbers, invoke Web links, or open contacts in event title, location and notes, or to quickly manage your ToDo subtasks.
We have also extended our "Design Options" - these are available via an in-app purchase, and offer now more than 30 additional features for customizing color schemes, font sizes, layout, and content of calendar views.
Smarter categories and ToDos
August 12th, 2018
Categories let you group events, and make adding and searching for events and ToDos faster. This new version now includes 24 icons you can add to existing or new categories, and also lets you define properties and attached services for events of a category.
In addition, you can now define ToDos for repeating tasks such as watering plants or monthly payments - just add the respective recurrency option. Also new: Add a checklist of items or subtasks to a ToDo. This is practical for lists like shopping lists, or more complex ToDos which need multiple subtasks to be completed.
Microsoft Calendar
March 26th, 2018
Easily synchronize your existing Microsoft Outlook, Office 365, and Exchange Online events and birthdays with 149 Live Calendar - just use the "My account" menu option and connect your Microsoft account.
Directly connecting to 149 Live Calendar resolves the many known issues and limitations related to synchronizing Microsoft calendars via Android account management. Being a full two-way synchronization solution, it also replaces our existing desktop plug-in for MS Outlook.